Marketing Strategy – Building Word of Mouth

When someone shares a story of a great experience they had with a business or product, the impact can be surprisingly huge. The positive effect of good word-of-mouth on sales can snowball, as more and more people are inspired to give your business a try and then go on to tell their friends and family about it. It’s even estimated that 13% of consumer sales come from happy customers spreading the word on their own!

The reason word-of-mouth marketing is so effective is that there’s no substitute for the buzz generated by natural enthusiasm. People will trust the information they’re receiving from someone they know much more than a stranger and they’ll respond more strongly to a heartfelt recommendation than to a standard ad.

Now, we can all agree that positive word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool, but you’re probably wondering if there’s anything businesses can do to encourage it. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to help ensure more people are hearing about you through the grapevine.

Here are 5 strategies for building positive word of mouth for your business!

  1. Share User-Generated Content

Regularly check what people are saying about you on social media channels and be sure to share positive posts about your services and products. The original poster will feel appreciated, and more people will see their story and be impacted by their post. Encourage customers to use your branded hashtags online and run contests to inspire more people to share their experiences with your brand on social media.

  • Become Active in Your Community

A great way to get people talking about you is to build your presence in your community through attending or hosting local events. This will both make your business more visible and help create a positive association with your brand. You can become active with local charities or join boards or organizations that are related to your business. Sponsoring an existing event is also a great way to get your name out there.

  • Ask For Reviews

If your customers aren’t posting about your business, why not reach out to them and ask for a review? You can offer incentives to your customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business page or on websites like Yelp by entering them into a draw or giving them a special discount. Since recent reviews are more influential than dated ones, be sure to do this regularly.

  • Solicit Feedback

Letting your customers feel more involved with your company will naturally make them more invested in your success. Create a survey and ask for feedback from your customers and clients. Try to resolve any issues that are reported and incorporate their suggestions where you can. This will help your consumer base feel more engaged with you and they’ll be excited to see that their feedback was listened to and acted upon. Naturally, this will lead them to talk about you more and how you care about your customers’ opinions.

  • Provide a Great Experience

There is simply no replacement for a quality product or exceptional customer service. At the end of the day, the best way to get people talking about you is to ensure that you deliver a great experience that leaves them satisfied and happy. Ensure that your staff are well trained and encourage them to find ways to go the extra mile to ensure customers are left with a good impression. Make sure that you’re constantly looking for ways to improve so that you continue to provide top-notch service and an excellent customer experience.

Building word of mouth can take time, but it’s well worth the effort. These strategies will not only help word of your business spread to more people in an organic way, but they’ll also help build loyalty amongst your existing customers.

Are you looking to spread the word about your business by advertising in a publication that’s seen in local businesses throughout Alberta? Contact Coffee News to find out how we can help your increase your exposure in your community! 780-220-6397.