Holiday Marketing for ALL Cultures

In today’s society, an inclusive marketing campaign is more important than ever.  What used to be “Christmas time” marketing has become a time to recognize all the holidays that are celebrated by this most diverse generation.  It’s more than saying Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”; it’s about focusing on common values rather than religion. 

This kind of focus allows us to emphasize themes like community, family, and kindness to others, without using religious symbols or hyperbole. 

  1. Use neutral messaging

While many people in our country celebrate Christmas, millennials are more likely to celebrate it as a cultural event rather than a religious holiday. This means that you need to consider the language you use in your holiday marketing this year. No one is saying that you can’t celebrate a religious date, but focusing on common values allows us to be inclusive to everyone. For example, your campaign could focus on family time, connecting with loved ones, and getting away from work and our phones.  Another focus is the weather – if your target audience is primarily in a colder climate, you can use a campaign that is focused on winter activities, snow, and staying cozy inside with friends and family.

2. Consider your demographic

It is important to consider your target audience and try to be authentic with your marketing.  Don’t just focus on race and religious affinities, but think about how you interact with different ages, gender identities, different body types and abilities. Of course, for truly authentic results, you want that focus to be at the heart of all your marketing not just during the holidays. 

3. Mix up your colour wheel

One of the quickest ways to even out your holiday visuals is to change the traditional green, red and white colour schemes.  Introduce some warm tones (a welcome relief from cool winter hues) or some soft pastel colours. Try a social media post that uses other tones but still gives the message of giving and generosity.

4.Make your campaign value based

One way to keep from crossing religious lines is to avoid messaging about gift giving or mistletoe, and to focus on generosity and community.  It seems difficult to imagine not using Christmas trees and Merry Christmas, but remember your target audience is the younger generations, not the older ones that might feel slighted at having their tradition left out.  Keep your marketing based on the concept of helping others and making other people feel good to take into account the younger generation’s preference for inclusivity and diversity.

The key is to make it about considering the needs and values of ALL your customers, not just this time of year, but every time you communicate with them, every time you serve them, and every time you market to them.