Engaging Web Visitors to Generate Sales Leads

You run a small business and use your website to promote and sell your products and services.  You’ve spent a small fortune on Google Adwords and expect web traffic to increase, and it probably will, but once visitors get to your website…what is keeping them there? 90% of your potential customers will search for you online to start their buying process.  70 to 80% of people who hit your website will leave, never to return, if they can’t quickly find what they’re looking for.  Our online attention span is very short.

“It is so important to engage and capture the attention of your web visitors,” said Chris McKenzie a distributor of Live Chat Services, a company that provides small business owners with a live pop-up chat agent on their website.  “When customers come to a website a live agent appears, almost like answering the phone ‘can I help you?’” Your website has an incredible opportunity for generating sales leads.  When visitors are engaged in a conversation, and guided to the information they need, they are more likely to become a customer.

“Each client is assigned a lead manager who calls the website owner to learn more about their website and business,” shared McKenzie.  “They learn the answers to about 15 of the key questions a customer might have, learn the website, and then can assign live sales agents from there.”This system can also track web visits and monitor which pages people are visiting.  After reviewing reports, website owners can choose to move the pop-up chat to other pages on their site depending on volume.“It has been phenomenal!  We’ve had people cut their marketing budgets down because they are engaging people and getting sales on their websites,” said McKenzie.

For more information visit Leads for Sales