Why Print Advertising is Still Effective

While digital advertising has become a vital part of most businesses’ marketing strategy, print advertising has never gone away and continues to be an effective method of reaching customers and clients. Print advertising comes in a variety of forms, such as newspaper & magazine ads, flyers and billboards, and it has its own distinct advantages over other forms of advertising. It’s more than just nostalgia, businesses continue to employ print ads because they continue to work. If you’ve been wondering how print ads have managed to stick around despite competition from digital advertising, read on to discover the qualities that…

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How to Craft Ads That Leave a Lasting Impression

As we head into the fourth quarter of the year, there will be more and more ads competing for your customer’s attention. Many companies will ramp up their advertising heading into the holiday season, meaning it’s important now more than ever to be running ads that will grab and keep people’s attention. Here are Our Top Tips for Crafting Ads That Leave a Lasting Impression! Appeal to Emotions Advertisements are more memorable when they make the audience feel something. This can involve appealing to positive emotions, such as using images that are cute, joyful or exciting. It can also involve…

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Fall Marketing Ideas & Inspiration For Print Advertising

The weather will soon grow colder, and the leaves will begin to turn. School buses and children will return to their daily routines. Before you see the telltale signs of fall, get a head start on your fall marketing plan. Read on to get inspiration for fall marketing ideas for print advertising. Set The Mood With Fall Colours Using the right colour scheme can automatically invoke images of the fall among consumers. Oranges, reds, blacks, browns and yellows can enhance your fall imagery, creating an automatic response. Stay true to your brand colours and use hints of these fall colours…

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What is Brand Messaging and How Do You Implement it?

Brand messaging is how a company curates and delivers its values and core message to the public. To convey this message, a company must first define what it expects the public’s perception of their brand to be. The process of defining a brand and the strategies to portray it is called brand messaging. Regardless of the medium you choose to promote your brand; the brand’s messaging needs to be consistent. Read on to learn how to define & implement your brand’s message. What is Brand Messaging? Brand messaging is defined as the tone of voice used in communication and the…

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6 Types of Print Ads You Should Have in Your Arsenal

print ads

Print Ads can be an effective way to reach your target market when and where they make their purchase decisions. Choosing the right type of ad at the right time can help your message land. Using a combination of print ad formats can drive your message home and improve brand awareness. Let’s look at the different print ads you can use and best practices when designing them. 1.  Direct Mail Direct mail is a powerful tool for reaching specific audiences. You can target audiences based on their demographics (geography, income bracket) their interests, website activity and more. Direct mail can…

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3 Great Design Tools to Take Your Print Ads to The Next Level

Whether you’re looking to take your design services in-house or are interested in developing new marketing skills, you may have considered managing print ad design yourself. These three tools can help take your graphic design skills to the next level and are ranked based on difficulty of use. 1.  VistaCreate VistaCreate is platform that offers free and paid options for users. It offers thousands of templates to base your designs from, making it a great option for beginners. VistaCreate is a member of the Vista family of products, so it’s a great option if you want to add your designs…

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5 Ways Print Advertising Can Introduce Your Brand to A New Audience

Although often viewed as a traditional form of advertising, print ads can get your brand in front of new audiences and lead them to take the actions you want. Here’s how: 1.  Align Your Print Advertising With Your Digital Advertising It’s important to maintain consistency across your digital and print advertising campaigns. Remember the golden rule of seven, which is the idea that a prospect may need up to seven interactions with your brand before making a purchase decision. Having a consistent design across all platforms will enforce brand familiarity. Use your digital analytics for social media posts or display…

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How to Build Local Brand Awareness

If you own a small business, local customers are probably your main source of revenue, and your marketing strategy should be focusing on attracting those buyers. This means you need a more focused approach to your advertising, rather than the broader methods that’re more effective when marketing a business on a national or international scale. If you want to boost your business’ presence in your local community, it’s time to go a step beyond simply getting your name out there and to instead invest in promoting local brand awareness. What is Local Brand Awareness Local brand awareness encompasses more than…

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Design Tips for Print Advertisements

Advertisements give you the opportunity to do more than just tell readers what you offer and how to contact you. A carefully crafted ad can tell a story to the viewer about who you are and help them to connect to your business. That’s why, when you sit down to create an ad, you’ll want to make sure you’re taking advantage of this opportunity to convey a strong message through a well-designed, visually appealing ad. Why Good Design is Important for Print Ads Incorporating principles of graphic design into your print ads will help your advertisement to stand out, draw…

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Marketing Strategy – Using QR Codes in Ads

QR codes can be seen everywhere in the marketing sphere. From signs at the bus terminal to pamphlets handed out at your local doctor’s office, QR codes are popping up in all kinds of advertisements. If you’re a small business owner looking for ways to get the most out of your print advertisements, including a QR code can be a great way to push your marketing game to the next level. Why You Should Use QR Codes in Advertisements. The top reason you should consider including a QR code in your ad is that it allows the viewer to take…

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