Although often viewed as a traditional form of advertising, print ads can get your brand in front of new audiences and lead them to take the actions you want. Here’s how:
1. Align Your Print Advertising With Your Digital Advertising
It’s important to maintain consistency across your digital and print advertising campaigns. Remember the golden rule of seven, which is the idea that a prospect may need up to seven interactions with your brand before making a purchase decision. Having a consistent design across all platforms will enforce brand familiarity. Use your digital analytics for social media posts or display ad campaigns to gauge the effectiveness of your digital campaigns and then recreate your most successful ads in print. This will allow you to reinforce your digital message and increase brand familiarity with your digitally inclined audiences. Remember to adjust your colour scheme from RGB (for digital) to CMYK (for print) when repurposing ads for print.
2. Make Your Print Ads Interactive With QR Codes

QR Codes in print are a great way to pull your prospect into your digital realm to take action. If you have a complex message this is a great way to simplify your initial message a direct your prospect engage with your brand. It’s also an easy way to share your business information with little effort on the prospect’s part. You’ll increase brand engagement and encourage interactions with your audience quickly and effectively.
3. Use Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is a relatively new tactic in print advertising and has been incorporated into newspapers, product labels, magazines and more. When an ad is viewed through a camera or other mobile device, the ad extends to an augmented animation, thrilling the viewer. A recent study by UniteAR states that AR ads are 200 per cent more likely to be remembered by the prospect than a traditional print ad. Augmented reality ads are fun and interactive and leave a memorable impression on your target market, especially if they’re more likely to interact with advertising via their mobile device.
4. Use High Quality Images with Minimal Text
When it comes to advertising, Generation Z has an attention span of around 8 seconds, similar to that of a goldfish. Millennials, Generation Xers and Boomers have slightly higher attention spans but studies show our attention span as humans is dwindling. Punchy, graphic-dominated print ads grab the attention of your target market, regardless of their generational preferences. If you have a more complex message, consider using a QR code to drive your prospect to take action online!

Image Source: https://www.creativebloq.com/news/mcdonalds-doordash-posters
5. Explore Your Audience and Alternate Publications
You likely have a target market persona designed for each of your prospective clients. You know where they work, eat, play, and you use this to target them digitally. In terms of print advertising, perhaps you take a wider approach when advertising through print. While billboards and national newspapers exposure your brand to a large audience. For example, say you’re trying to reach a 25-35 male in an urban landscape with a low-mid income who enjoys food, music and the arts but has a limited income to entertain these hobbies. Due to budget, he’s more likely to be found camped out at a mom and pop coffeeshop working on his latest manuscript, sipping on a $2 bottomless black coffee than at a high-end coffee shop that charges $8 for a latte with limited seating. Did you know that Coffee News is featured across Canada in over 1,500 restaurants and coffee shops and viewed by 1.25 million Canadians each week? This is an affordable tactic to extend your brand exposure and get access to new clientele through print advertising.

Expand Your Reach With Coffee News
Regardless of who you’re trying to reach, Coffee News is a great publication to get your message in front of a new audience. When it comes to local publications, Coffee News can’t be beat in terms of exposure or strong reputation. Our weekly publication can be found in locations across Alberta, from restaurants and coffee shops to community buildings to professional offices. Place an ad with us and see the BIG results for yourself. Call 780-220-6397 today!