How to Craft Ads That Leave a Lasting Impression

As we head into the fourth quarter of the year, there will be more and more ads competing for your customer’s attention. Many companies will ramp up their advertising heading into the holiday season, meaning it’s important now more than ever to be running ads that will grab and keep people’s attention.

Here are Our Top Tips for Crafting Ads That Leave a Lasting Impression!

Appeal to Emotions

Advertisements are more memorable when they make the audience feel something. This can involve appealing to positive emotions, such as using images that are cute, joyful or exciting. It can also involve evoking negative emotions that will spur someone to action, such as tapping into a common fear and then showing how your product or service can relieve this problem or anxiety. Either way, emotions are powerful motivators, so ask yourself, what emotion is your ad appealing to and try to see how you can make it even more impactful.

Create a Sense of Urgency

A ticking clock can create a sense of urgency, making it more likely that the viewer take immediate action in response to seeing your ad. Try running a limited time promotion or flash sale and use calls-to-action that highlight the need to ‘Act Fast’. You can also create urgency by stressing that a product is only available ‘While Supplies Last’ so your customers will want to snap them up before they’re gone.

Be Surprising

Some of the most memorable ads stand out because they are unique. Try incorporating humor or surprising imagery into your advertisements to set yourself apart. You can also use an element of mystery to draw people in and encourage them to visit your website or store to learn more.

Be Relevant to Your Audience

You know your audience better than anyone, so consider what they are looking for and what’s likely to grab their attention. Use imagery that appeals to their sensibilities and write headlines that address their common concerns E.g. Are you tired of ___?

Keep it Simple

Flashy images or unexpected jokes are great ways to grab attention, but you’ll want to keep your actual messaging simple and to the point so there’s no confusion around who you are or what you have to offer. Include a clear call to action and don’t clutter up your ad with any extraneous details.

Be Everywhere in Your Community

The best way to guarantee your ad is impactful is to ensure that it has wide exposure within your community. Coffee News is a potent and affordable advertising publication that’s featured in local restaurants, coffee shops, community buildings and offices across Alberta. Call 780-220-6397 today and place your ad in the largest franchised restaurant publication in the world!