Why Print Beats Digital – And What it Means for Your Business

These days, many of us have e-readers, or read the news on the internet rather than in a newspaper. But don’t we all reminisce about the days when we could curl up on the sofa with a book and be transformed to another world for hours on end? That’s the power of print – it’s tactile, it’s memorable, and most of all, it’s intimate.

Research has shown that people retain less when they read information on a screen compared to reading it in print. Another study looked at MRI brain scans and found that print was more “real” to readers; it generated genuine emotion, which the researchers found could lead to stronger brand attachment when it comes to advertising. Yet another study found that online readers spent an average of just 15 seconds on a single web page before clicking to another – certainly not enough time to retain the message of an advertisement! It’s clear that the digital reader simply doesn’t have the attention span of the print reader.

At Coffee News, we keep our reader’s attention. We are a fun, industry-exclusive, highly effective and visible weekly publication, which will complement your overall advertising and marketing strategy… and advertising with us is affordable, too. Don’t give up on print. Our many loyal readers haven’t – and by advertising with us, they could soon become your loyal customers!

Fiona Parkes
Publisher of Coffee News in Christchurch, New Zealand