Transforming the Workplace

How would you describe the learning environment in your workplace? Progressive companies understand a healthy learning climate is important for growing business.  Whether it’s defining and meeting goals through business coaching, leadership and management training, team building or workplace diversity training; remaining flexible and willing to learn will improve your business outcome. “When employers improve their workplace learning and interpersonal skills climate it translates into more motivated and engaged employees and better customer service,” said Marie Gervais, Director of Shift Management.

Shift Management offers online services for organizations, managers and individuals that include eLearning through online courses and webinars.  One of their most popular courses is call Work and Culture Online, a course developed to help better integrate international employees into the workplace. “The course has sections specific to managers and employers about dealing with sensitive issues like mistakes at work, values clashes and gender differences.  They learn to connect better with a variety of people from all backgrounds, ages, races and cultures which increases sales and builds word of mouth business,” said Gervais.

Transform your workplace with easy-to-access online education.  You’ll find inspiration for tackling new action plans, create a well-integrated staff team, brush up on your leadership skills and bridge the gap between your business and its goals. For more information email or visit them at