5 Tips for Improving Your Print Ads

In an ever-changing marketing landscape, print advertisements remain an effective way to reach your customers. While digital advertising has increased in importance, traditional forms of advertising still have many benefits to offer.

The Benefits of Print Ads

Print advertisements offer high engagement rates and have the benefit of appearing more trust-worthy than an ad someone might see online. Publishing print ads with a local paper is a great way to build your reputation within your community. Newspapers build long-standing relationships with their readers and your advertising efforts will benefit from that positive association.

Print advertising can also be more cost-effective than other forms of advertising, with a variety of options available to fit your budget.

Of course, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your print ads by making them as appealing a possible. Here are some useful tips for improving your print ads and ensuring that you get the most bang for your buck.

5 Tips for Improving Your Print Ads

1.      Grab Attention with Your Headline

It’s said that far more people will read the headline of an ad than the body text. You want to make those headlines count and ensure that you’re gripping the reader and making them want to read more! Keep your headlines short and to the point to improve their impact – no more than 10 words in length.

2.      Focus on Readability

While it can be tempting to use fancy fonts or cram as much information as possible into your ad, this can make them troublesome to read. You have limited space in a print ad; if you try to fit more content in by making the text smaller, not everyone will be able to read your ad copy. Likewise, unique fonts can be eye-catching, but you should be focused on ease of readability. Keep your message simple and to the point, allow for white space and chose your fonts wisely.

3.      Include Eye-Catching Graphics

Attractive visuals are a great way to draw the eye to your advertisement, so make sure your ads aren’t entirely text and add some pictures. Use high-quality images that compliment your message. Just make sure that your images aren’t obstructing your text. All the elements of your ad should work together, not detract from each other.

4.      Provide Value

If you want people to pay attention to your advertisement, you should give them a reason to take notice. There are a lot of ways you can provide value with your print ads, such as including a special offer, discount, or giveaway. Everyone loves a deal and your customer’s will be more likely to respond to your ad if they are given a good reason to.

5.      Create a Unified Approach to Your Marketing

If you follow the above steps, you’ll be well on your way to crafting an effective print ad, but there’s no reason why it should stand on it’s own. Your marketing efforts will be even more effective if you create a unified approach across all your various marketing channels. Promote the same messaging in your social media posts, digital advertisements, and email newsletter to give it more reach and greater influence.

Hopefully these tips will help you with improving the effectiveness of your print advertisements. If you’d like advice on how to best track the effectiveness of your print ads, be sure to check out our article on Measuring ROI for Print Advertisements.

If you have any questions on how to write a print ad, Coffee News is here to help. Contact us today! 780-220-6397.