Cafe Express

Cafe Express is Acheson’s newest deli cafe specializing in hot and cold sandwiches as well as specialty coffees. Cafe Express is owned and operated by Carmen and Dave Hrycak. With over 15 years of customer service experience, we are proud to offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere where our customers can sit and enjoy a great meal. We also know that many of Acheson’s employees get short lunch breaks, so we have created a great phone in order service where you can call ahead and pickup your lunch when you want it. Cafe Express offers fresh deli sandwiches and hot…

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Balancing Business & Family

The kids are going back to school and while most articles in the Coffee News newsletter focus on marketing for small business, we thought we would touch on another very important topic:  balancing business life with family life.  If you’re a parent AND a small business owner, you know that the fall is a busy time and it can be difficult to find a good routine. An article from National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) from the United States gave some tips for entrepreneurs with families to help keep the peace and stay organized (or get organized!) during this hectic time. …

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Make the most of your Winter Escape

As winter blows into town it triggers a seemingly annual Google search for tropical holiday destinations.  We might not be in the brunt of it yet, but those who live in the prairies know that by January or February a getaway to somewhere warm (anywhere warm) will be necessary. “We’re getting into our busy season because of all the winter travelers,” said Angie Garred of Dive Outfitters, an Edmonton-based company offering scuba diving and snorkeling courses and equipment. Snorkeling is a popular activity on warm destination holidays.  Dive Outfitters offers high quality snorkeling gear and instructional courses in the NAIT…

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A Vacation on Wheels

By Amy Hancock Despite the piles of snow that seem to be lingering this spring, somewhere in the not-so-far distance summer is waiting to appear. For many people this means RV season is approaching. Are you an avid RV vacationer and need to prepare your unit for summer? Have you always wanted to give “RVing” a try? Coffee News spoke with Cross Country RV, a full service RV dealer located near Acheson at Glowing Embers RV Park, and they have advice for both. “This time of year RV owners come in to de-winterize their units,” said Milt Vinet…

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Why Print Beats Digital – And What it Means for Your Business

These days, many of us have e-readers, or read the news on the internet rather than in a newspaper. But don’t we all reminisce about the days when we could curl up on the sofa with a book and be transformed to another world for hours on end? That’s the power of print – it’s tactile, it’s memorable, and most of all, it’s intimate. Research has shown that people retain less when they read information on a screen compared to reading it in print. Another study looked at MRI brain scans and found that print was more “real” to readers; it…

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The 7 Most Deadly Sins of Print Advertising

If you want people to read, understand, and respond to your print advertising, you must avoid these sins at all costs. Sin #1: Using reverse type for body copy. Reverse type is when you use light colored text on a dark background, such as using white text on a black background. Research shows that using reverse type for the body text of your print advertisement will lower readership of your advertisement by up to 80%. The reason for this is using reverse type for body size text is extremely difficult to read. And, if people cannot read your ad, they will…

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Engaging Web Visitors to Generate Sales Leads

You run a small business and use your website to promote and sell your products and services.  You’ve spent a small fortune on Google Adwords and expect web traffic to increase, and it probably will, but once visitors get to your website…what is keeping them there? 90% of your potential customers will search for you online to start their buying process.  70 to 80% of people who hit your website will leave, never to return, if they can’t quickly find what they’re looking for.  Our online attention span is very short. “It is so important to engage and capture the…

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Franchise Leader

Edmonton Business Talk WEBA Publication Walter Heuvingh of Coffee News was recognized as a Franchise Leader in Edmonton Business Talk in an Entrepreneur Profile written by Ingrid Schifer.  Edmonton Business Talk is a publication of the West Edmonton Business Association.  Here are some tidbits from the article: After 16 years at Ford Motor Company, Walter Heuvingh pursued his dream of owning his own business.  Coffee News allows him to meet new people, network and give back to the community. Coffee News Northern Alberta is the largest Coffee News franchise in the world!  It won the Outstanding Achievement Award at the…

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Obtaining & Retaining Quality Employees

Hiring employees is one of the greatest challenges small business owners face.  You’re business is growing and you require skilled, qualified employees that will grow with it and help you to expand it even further. The first thing business owners usually do is a post an advertisement all over the internet or in the newsletter, attracting all kind of non-relevant resumes.  Sure, you’re getting applicants but they’re likely the wrong applicants.  It’s a waste of time and resources. “In order to find quality employees you have to understand your talent market.  Research it and develop strategies to reach it the…

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