Tips for Preparing a Marketing Plan for 2022

With 2021 drawing to a close, it’s time to look ahead to the future and start creating your marketing plan for 2022. It’s important to have clear goals to work towards and a well-defined plan in order to start the year off right!One marketing trend that we’ve seen in recent years is an increase in the focus on digital marketing. As technologies continue to advance and become a greater part of our everyday lives, digital marketing has become a vital way for advertisers to reach their audience. This is a trend that we’ll see continue into 2022 and beyond, but…

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Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

  Staying afloat in today’s business world isn’t easy. As a new business how do you catch a potential client’s attention with the thousands of images, tweets, posts, catch phrases, etc. that bombard us each and every day? There’s no simple answer to this question, but there is a process that works and a very specific plan that needs to be created for it to be successful. To get your brand out there, each business has to have some sort of marketing campaign. When it comes to marketing, there are a variety of ways a business can go about it….

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Print Advertising: The Waiting Game and Why It Pays Off

I’m not new to the world of print, but I’m what you could call a greenhorn to the sales industry. For more than 7 years, my professional life was consumed by traditional print. As a print journalist and editor I have a very good understanding of the newspaper industry and how it’s changed so rapidly in such a short period of time. It’s no surprise that newspapers — especially local — are on the decline, but I believe they provide a very important service to the communities they serve. Newspapers keep the community well informed of everything going on and…

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Why Content Consistency Is Key To Your Marketing Strategy

Post written by Jon Simpson Owner of Criterion.B, overseeing client strategy and company culture (Click here for the full article) Just like anything in life, consistency is key. For any business, the consistency of its message is very important, especially for public perception. John Simpson explains for any company, your brand is your most important asset because it is your business personified. The way your organization looks, sounds and acts directly impacts how current and prospective customers perceive your business. For us at Coffee News, it’s very important our website and print content stays consistent. Our easy-to-read,…

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How to be really good at Digital Marketing in 2020

(Read full article here) Article produced by: Venugopal HG VP Training, HiveMinds With the advancements and changing trends in digital technology, digital marketing is expected to take giant strides in the future. We see E-commerce players like Amazon prioritizing marketplace and the search engine giant, Google testing out new approaches such as shopping tab to enhance customer experience and leverage buying intent and giving importance to customer experience and engagement by rolling out algorithm updates. Voice searches and Vernacular Searches are growing at a rapid pace and the trend will witness an exponential growth by 2020. According to a…

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5 Reasons Why You Must Advertise

There’s plenty of reasons to give print advertising a shot. Marketing expert John Jantsch explains why in a recent article of his. Original article written by John Jantsch In this day and age of digital, print media seems to be taking a backseat, especially in terms of advertising. But, don’t believe everything you hear. There’s plenty of benefits to print advertising, especially when there is all eyes on you and your business (one of several benefits to advertising with Coffee News). Sending email is free, creating a Facebook page is free, Twitter outreach is…

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The Power of Repetitive Marketing

By: Al Lautenslage. What two things do the following quotes have in common? “I did a mailing once and never got any business.” “I sent a press release once and never got published in the newspaper.” “I attended a chamber of commerce meeting once and never got any business from it.” The first common element is that these are actual quotes I’ve heard-numerous times-from business owners, entrepreneurs and independent business professionals. The second thing is they all contain the word “once.” Doing something once is an event. Doing it over and over again is a process. The reason those…

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A Mother’s Love

From (Readers Digest) “A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.”   —Tenneva Jordan I knew I was not supposed to be quite so excited. I was too old for that. At age eleven, the oldest and my mom’s “grown up” girl, I had to keep my cool. I was in middle school after all. But every chance I got, when I was alone, I checked each present under the tree. I read every tag and felt every package, guessing at the contents…

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Quick & Easy Ideas for Christmas Marketing

Christmas is just around the corner (already?) and everyone knows the holidays could mean a major boost in sales for most businesses. Here are some simple, low-cost ideas you can include in your marketing planning over the next two months. Have special Christmas offers and spread the word about them through a professional looking email campaign. Send an email with these offers to your database of customers and make sure the email’s design is decorated with holiday themes from start to finish. You want it to stand out from other emails your customers usually receive from you. Make sure you don’t go…

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Small Businesses Prepare for Christmas Marketing

Halloween is over and before stores are hastily putting away the remaining witch hats, fake cob webs, and zombie make-up to make room for Christmas Merchandise.  Soon every shopping mall will deck their halls and switch over to holiday music, if they haven’t already.  ‘Tis the season that could make or break your sales goals.  Here are some tips to help you prepare for the holidays: Review last year’s activities.  What did you do that worked last year?  Review which product and services performed well and which didn’t.  Did you have enough staff to handle increased holiday traffic?  Think of how…

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