Top 10 Do’s & Don’ts of social media.

Today’s social media comes with a certain etiquette, whether you are a business owner, or simply someone who enjoys posting on different platforms.  Each social media platform has various distinctions that act as unwritten rules. When you break one of those rules, you can leave a negative impression on your audience. Just as there are things to avoid doing, there are thing that you should be doing to keep your social media fresh, engaging and helping to increase traffic to your accounts. To help you, here are our Top 10 Social Media Do’s & Don’ts. 1. DO: Separate business and…

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How to Use Print in Your Marketing Strategy

Many businesses use print to market their brands for many reasons. In a world saturated by screens, print products such as flyers and brochures that you can feel between your fingers are a breath of fresh air. They’re not a strain on the eyes and give people better information retention. They last longer than a social media post or banner ad and can easily be stored in your bag or drawer. Print products also give a feeling of credibility and trustworthiness for the brand. Not only that, but they’re also cheap and easy to reproduce. Longevity Compared to digital marketing,…

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The Advantages of Traditional Advertising

In this busy modern era, you’ve likely heard a lot about how digital marketing can benefit your business and received plenty of advice on how to utilize it to boost your brand. While digital marketing is certainly a useful tool to have in your belt when you’re trying to reach an audience, it’s important to remember that it’s not the only advertising game in town. Traditional forms of advertising still offer an effective means of building your audience and communicating with your customers. They also present opportunities that digital marketing channels don’t! What is Traditional Advertising? In essence, traditional advertising…

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5 Tips for Improving Your Print Ads

In an ever-changing marketing landscape, print advertisements remain an effective way to reach your customers. While digital advertising has increased in importance, traditional forms of advertising still have many benefits to offer. The Benefits of Print Ads Print advertisements offer high engagement rates and have the benefit of appearing more trust-worthy than an ad someone might see online. Publishing print ads with a local paper is a great way to build your reputation within your community. Newspapers build long-standing relationships with their readers and your advertising efforts will benefit from that positive association. Print advertising can also be more cost-effective…

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Marketing Strategy – Building Word of Mouth

When someone shares a story of a great experience they had with a business or product, the impact can be surprisingly huge. The positive effect of good word-of-mouth on sales can snowball, as more and more people are inspired to give your business a try and then go on to tell their friends and family about it. It’s even estimated that 13% of consumer sales come from happy customers spreading the word on their own! The reason word-of-mouth marketing is so effective is that there’s no substitute for the buzz generated by natural enthusiasm. People will trust the information they’re…

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Marketing Strategy – Storytelling & Advertising

Storytelling is one of the most effective means of communicating information to other people that advertisers have at their disposal. Statistics and figures are easily forgotten, but a well told story will stick in the mind and leave a much bigger impact than any mere statement of fact. If you want your marketing campaigns to resonate with your audience, you’re going to need to master the art of storytelling in your advertisements. Why storytelling is effective in advertising Stories have the power to elicit strong emotions from an audience, provided they are compelling and relatable, that is. If you succeed…

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Marketing Strategy – The Rule of Seven

How can I ensure that my advertisements have the effect I want? This is the age-old question that marketers have been trying to answer since the advent of advertising. With an advertising landscape that is constantly changing, it can seem like the rules are always in flux, but there are some marketing fundamentals that have stood the test of time and still hold weight. One such principle is the Rule of Seven. What is the Rule of Seven? The name ‘Rule of Seven’ derives from an old marketing adage that states that the average person needs to be exposed to…

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Top 5 Tips for Measuring ROI for Print Advertisements

Something we’re constantly being asked here at Coffee News is: “How do you measure your return on investment (ROI) for a print ad?” This is an understandable concern, after all, if you’re going to take the time to put together and run a print ad, you want to be able to know whether it’s working. Measuring the ROI for traditional forms of advertising can be tricky. For online ads, there are built in methods of tracking how many people see and engage with your ad, but how do you know if a customer who’s walked into your store or visited…

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Top Strategies for Reinforcing Your Brand

How would you describe your company’s brand? Your brand encompasses more than just your slogan or logo; it represents the image that customers have of your company, what they think and feel about you. A strong brand increases customer awareness, both of your services and of your value as a company. It’s essentially your reputation, and having a good reputation will lead to increased customer loyalty and profits! Developing a strong brand takes time – but it’s worth the effort. Here are our Top Five Strategies for Reinforcing your Brand! Clearly Define Your Brand The crucial first step to developing…

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How to Write a Print Advertisement.

Print advertisements are a tried-and-true method of advertising that have withstood the test of time and remain effective, even as the landscape of advertising has changed and evolved – Provided you’ve written an ad that will get people’s attention, of course. Writing a print ad can be challenging if you’re new to the process, but the tangible benefits of print ads will make it worth your while to put the effort into crafting a striking and powerful ad. So don’t get discouraged and get writing instead! Here are some tips on how you can write an ad that will get…

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